Thursday 6 November 2008


23.08 Nice to see the end of the Bush era - looks good for the future of the US. This is great... Very cool bass playing and genius programming. His new album is called Just a Souvenir and Its the second best album of the year after Portishead I reckon. Kind of Jazz/Rock/Prog?Drum and Bass with some really melodic bits and some bits virging on US hardcore with added vocoder. I've spent most of the last week messing around with Logic Audio on my laptop working out beats and synth bass lines for some new songs. Still keeping it fairly minimal I've got about half the second album written now and Echo isn't even out yet (next few weeks via itunes/emusic). I'm probably going to start using the laptop with programmed stuff live next year in addition to the solo guitar stuff and get someone playing live bass. Matt Stevens

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